School Policies

“Encouraging creativity and embracing diversity in a positive learning environment”

Whole School Evaluation -
Management Leadership and Learning 2013

In September 2013 the Sacred Heart School under went a Whole School Evaluation (WSE) examining Management, Leadership and Learning (MLL) at the Sacred heart School. The WSE MLL is a routine examination of secondary schools which was conducted by the Department of Education Inspectorate. In accordance with procedures once completed a WSE report is published. The findings of the report are very positive and affirm the good teaching and learning activities underway at the Sacred Heart School as well as the recognition of the schools commitment to student care and development.

We invite you to read this report which can be accessed here.

Code of Behaviour

The Code of Behaviour is reviewed annually and is designed to maintain good order and discipline within the school. The Code of Behaviour is based on the theme of respect for all and is developed in line with the school mission statement.

Our vision for relationships and behaviour in the school
Our school is committed to providing the best possible education for all our students. We aim to create a community of learners: showing respect, tolerance and care, valuing and celebrating diversity and actively promoting inclusion for all. We are committed to creating a happy, safe and orderly environment, where our students can develop into motivated and self disciplined young people. Recognising, encouraging and reinforcing positive behaviour is seen as more important in the school community than emphasis on negative consequences. As far as possible, incidences of misbehaviour are used as teaching opportunities and learning experiences. The following code outlines the behaviours we expect from students and the sanctions that will result from misconduct. This code has been accepted by students, teachers and parents as the best way to pursue our school aims and objectives.
Respect for All
In our school everybody is valued. Differences of any type do not make it acceptable to bully a person. Silence allows people to suffer so we speak out when we know we should. The members of our school community have the right to be themselves and the responsibility to treat others as they themselves would like to be treated. Our Code of Behaviour can be viewed here.

Admission Policy

Students are accepted to the school under the conditions of our Admissions Policy available on request. Every student and parent/guardian must read and accept the Code of Behaviour and Respect on enrolment to the school

Other School Policies

Click here to see a full list of school policies.
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Homework and Study Ethos

Our school policies reflect the importance placed on creating excellent learning opportunities for all students. Research shows that a good study routine leads to good results and so every effort is made to facilitate and promote this, both during and after school. Supervised study provides a good environment to stuudy for those who wish to participate. Saturday study will also be arranged for the second and third term of each year.

School Uniform

Full school uniform must be worn at all times.
It consists of the following:

Junior Students
Senior Students
PE Wear
  • Navy jumper with school crest
  • Green tartan skirt/trousers
  • Cream shirt
  • Green Jumper with school crest
  • Navy/black tights/socks
  • low neat black/navy shoes
  • Green tartan skirt/trousers
  • Cream shirt
  • Green jumper with school crest
  • Navy/black tights/socks
  • Low neat black/tan shoes
  • Navy tracksuit bottoms
  • Plain t-shirt
  • Runners